Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Grumpy Bear Saga Continues

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! - Day 10 of 15

Well wasn't that a bit of news! I received a call from my Yacht Broker this morning and it seems the previous owner of my boat has had a falling out with the Yacht Club and by association; I have apparently lost my guest privileges. John suggests I remove my boat from their slip before they pull her out of the water and charge me storage yard fees.

I was planning on heading back to San Diego on the 15th, but the situation calls for a quick change of plans. I contacted Amtrak, they don't have a train going all the way to San Diego until Monday, but they have a bus going through Red Bluff at 1 pm. I made a reservation, called Dad and he agreed to shuttle me to the Taco Bell / Bus Stop. got to love rural communities! Now all I have to do is figure out what to take along.

No big deal, I will get into the San Diego train depot at 5:30 in the morning, with any luck, Ernesto the maintenance guy from Tijuana usually arrives to work about 5 am/ He knows me so I can get him to let me in if I promise to make some coffee. Fortunate for me, after not getting my equipment installed last week; Bruce told me just yesterday that he had a technician working on my boat as we spoke! I was beginning to wonder if they would be done by the fifteenth, but of course Bruce did seem to be running out of plausible excuses, he even had to use the dental appointment pretext twice. But with the boat ready, I will pick up some groceries, take her out on a quick shake down trip to check out the new equipment, get fueled up and be on my way (gulp) into the big Pacific Blue. I should be back to Red Bluff in time for Hurry Back's Wednesday Night Karaoke Contest, if the weather holds out...

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